Sexual Assault Defense Lawyer in Richmond – Virginia

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual Assault, more commonly termed as rape, is a term, referring to any act of coming in contact with a person with sexual intentions and inclinations, without the complete consent, with use of drugs, force, or coercion. Sexual Assault is a broad term, inclusive of the majority of the sex crimes, which may include rape, groping, and torture in sexual manner, and sexual abuse of a child or minor.

Laws on Sex Crimes – Richmond – Virginia

Several different sexual acts may be deemed as the Sex Crime as per the laws, which might end you up facing the criminal charges in the state of Virginia. Sexual assault, as per Prince William – Virginia Code Section 18.2-61 law is to be defined as;

“Any act of engaging someone in sexual acts using force, coercion, intimidation, or under the influence of drugs or having sexual intercourse with children under the age of 13 or minor – above age 15 but below 18 years or with someone who is mentally or physically helpless.”

What Must Be Proven in a Sex Crimes Case?

In a sexual assault case, following the legalities of the Virginia Code 18.2-61, the physical act between the victim and accused must be proven primarily for the sexual assault crime. Secondary requirement could be, proving the act to be against the will of the victim, by force or by intimidation, or with a person who is unable to give his consent to the act.

What could be done?

If you ever find yourself to be a part of an investigation for sexual assault case, it is of utmost importance that you contact an expert professional defense lawyer for sexual assaults. The lawyer would be working with you to understand all the tiny details of the incident and would help you to find a way out of the situation following all the legal procedures and requirements.

A sexual assault defense attorney would help to present your case in a way that allows you to get away with the case without a penalty, be it monetary or imprisonment. Further, it would help you escape the sex offender’s registry and reduce all the damages that you might otherwise suffer in your future personal life or in your career.

It is, hence, advisable that you contact a good and skilled sexual assault defense attorney as soon as you face any such accusation.

How could a Sexual Assault Lawyer Help?

A Sexual assault defense lawyer would be helping you to get all sorts of details from your cases sorted; he would discuss the case, its possible outcomes, and the repercussions –if any- of the verdict for the case. He would help you to take you smoothly from all the legal procedures, while ensuring that you do not face any obstacles or difficulties. A good lawyer would;

  • Make sure to use all resources to create a strong case for you
  • Inform you of about all your rights and make sure you are not deprived from your basic rights that the constitution allows
  • Would guide you through the local justice system with detailed knowledge of how different legal processes are completed
  • Keep you posted about your case and provides useful inside information to help you make better and informed decisions
  • Asses your case and helps you decide if you are to agree on Plea Bargains with the defense attorney
  • Help you to clear your criminal history, providing you a fresh start with new clean slate